Monday, September 14, 2009

Do I? I do.

I do do weddings. No, I don't doo-doo on weddings.  :) Mind out of the gutter people. I also, photograph weddings! I realize that I don't post a lot of wedding stuff- and that is just peculiar of me! So here's a slideshow of a wedding Dustin and I shot back in May in Louisville.  The lovely Newlyweds are Susan and Murray, and they are just awesome people. We would all be lucky to know more Susan and Murray's in our life. 

I hope this finds you on a wonderful day.  But as my Papaw always said when replying to how he's doing, "I'm above ground aren't I?" :)

***I am having trouble figuring something out, so in the meantime, why don't you view the slideshow at the following link?:

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